The Rev & Shaune Show Video Sampler
Catherine & Leigh
Outrageous Talk & Comedy
11/18/21 Show
We’ve got a return visit from
Donnie Trump Jr. Also TT Quarentino
makes her debut, along with our friend
Brad Hollywood.
We’re Back!!10/10/21
Interview with Rasheed From The
Church of the Spiritually Un-Spiritual,
Donnie Trump jr,and Brad Hollywood
Past podcasts below.
Interview with Rasheed From The
Church of the Spiritually Un-Spiritual
Interview with Anthony Scary Scaramoochie
We’re really bad!
Interview with Rasheed From The
Church of the Spiritually Un-Spiritual
Special guest Boris Putin (Vlads brother) spoof
The Catskills Renaissance Show Podcast with Rhio & Leigh Click to listen
Hooked On Raw Show

Lalita Salas
Rhio and Leigh interview Lalita Salas, co-director of the Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute in Aguada, Puerto Rico. Learn what Ann Wigmore was like, and how Lalita and Leola became the guardians of this great raw/living food institute when she passed. Rhio and Leigh recently returned from another visit to the Institute for a much needed rest to Reconnect, Rebuild and Rejuvenate (that is the AWI slogan).

Donna Perrone & Brian Clement at NYTR studios
The Good Health Workshop w/Donna Perrone
Listen below to this special edition with Brian Clement
From the Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Fla.
Take control of your health now.