Previously, no woman could afford to go to church if she was having her period. After all, it was believed that blood was dirt, and dirty people should never approach God. But now many people resist this rule and believe that God's love is boundless, therefore, he will let everyone into the church: dirty, sick, and sinful. So there are disputes whether it is possible to attend church during menstruation or not.If you turn to the Old Testament, you can understand why you can't go to church during menstruation. The fact is that the outflow of blood according to the Bible is dirt, death and even sin. And the church is pure, and it will not tolerate all this in itself. In addition, it is believed that only one blood can be shed in the church, which belongs to Christ. Therefore, it is better for women to avoid visiting a sacred place during menstruation, and if there is a need to pray, it is better to do it at home.The opposite point of view, on the contrary, says that it is still possible to go to church on critical days, and to begin with we will analyze the simplest explanation for this. Previously, the world was not so modern, and the existence of gaskets could only be dreamed of. And if a woman went to church during her period, then, of course, she would stain the floor with her blood. And this, you will agree, is not very hygienic. And if we turn back to the Old Testament, we will understand exactly what the words about the shedding of blood meant.Another explanation for why it is still possible to attend church during menstruation is that if a woman wants to turn to God, pray, light a candle, then no one has the right to interfere with her, even if she is bleeding. But maybe she had a misfortune (a relative got into a car accident and is now on the verge of life and death), and the only hope for a good outcome is faith and prayers. And it turns out that if a woman has her period, then she should refuse to attend church? But then she may miss the time that will play a cruel joke on her. It is also believed that a woman can attend church during menstruation, but it is highly discouraged for her to go to confession, communion and baptism on these days.However, everyone decides for himself whether to attend church on critical days or not. After all, no priest will check whether you are bleeding, so your presence at the same baptism will be on your own conscience. But it is still better to refrain from going to church on these days, unless, of course, a serious situation has occurred that obliges you to visit the church today. fun88