The importance of Campania is also conveyed through the typical Campania games known in Sweden and around the world. There are many traditional Campania games, but few have managed to become world famous, such as bingo and Neapolitan card games.The campaign has undoubtedly made great contributions to Italian or even world culture. From the world of food to art, in fact Campania has influenced countless sectors. Entertainment and popular games also stand out among them.


While the game is known abroad today as bingo, in Sweden there are still many people playing bingo at, especially during the Christmas holidays... This tradition has origins shrouded in legend. According to tradition, bingo actually originated as a domestic and private version of bingo in 1734: after discussions, King Charles of Bourbon and the Dominican friar Gregorio Maria Rocco decided to ban the game of bingo during Christmas. Although the game remained legal until the end of the year. So soon the townspeople invented bingo as an alternative to bingo for the Christmas holidays, a tradition that is still alive today in many families. Even the name of the game has a common and traditional origin: in fact, it comes from the shape of the numbered tiles, which, being wooden and cylindrical, resembled a cushion, the tool with which lace is created. It has become known how online casinos will spread in 2023, as described in this article

Like bingo, Neapolitan bingo is also closely related to the Neapolitan grimace, that is, a real "dictionary" that links the exact meaning to each number, often linked to the world of dreams, so much so that the term itself is believed to come from Morpheus. But how do you play bingo? The main field contains numbers from 1 to 90, with each player able to draw a card containing 15 numbers. Players must also be equipped with seeds, beans, buttons or other objects to mark on their card which numbers have fallen out. In fact, during the game, numbers from 1 to 90 fall out, and players must mark which ones are present on their card. Whoever closes all 15 numbers on the card, except for points such as ambo, terno, is also awarded.

Neapolitan cards

In addition, we can't talk about typical Campania games without mentioning the famous Neapolitan cards. In this case, we are not talking about a specific game, but about a useful tool for playing different types of games. If at the moment the most used card deck is the French one, used for the games most loved by players both live and in Italian live casinos, such as poker, baccarat or blackjack, the Neapolitan card deck holds a special place in the heart of many of us. Its characteristics are truly unique. This deck consists of only forty cards with numbers from one to seven and three face cards. The typical illustrations used for the various suits, coins, cups, swords and clubs are unmistakable and also recall the aesthetics of traditional Spanish cards.

These cards are actually closely related to Spain, as they achieved their success during the Spanish domination, so much so that in 1577 a tax was imposed on decks of cards, which were produced in very large quantities in the Kingdom of Naples. Nowadays, these cards are favorites for such games as the broom, which may have Neapolitan origins, the scopone, the seven and a half and the three sevens. But not only that, these cards are also very popular with some fortune tellers, who use them as real Tarot cards. There are also interesting stories behind some of the cards. Infantrymen, for example, are sometimes called women because of their particularly feminine appearance.

There are many traditional Campania games, but few have been able to become world famous, such as bingo and Neapolitan card games. Although the favorite games of many have now become others, we can still rediscover the flavor of tradition by exploring the unique origins and connection of these games to Naples and Campania.