Congenital heart defects occur due to defects in the formation of the septa of the heart during intrauterine development (non-atrial septal obstruction). Sometimes the reason for this is a violation of blood circulation after the birth of the baby (open botalov or arterial defect). Violation of the circulation of the small and large circle from the arteries to the veins, the small circle is overflowing. This is preceded by problems of the atrial and interventricular septa, Lutambache syndrome, non-expansion of the arterial duct.

Congenital pulmonary artery stenosis and the situation when venous and arterial blood mix, dyspnea and cyanosis develop, provokes the development of tetrad Fallot, in other words, "blue defects" of heart diseases. Pulmonary circulation may not necessarily be characterized by disorders, but blood does not enter the large circulation in sufficient quantities. This pathology can be justified by valve insufficiency, stenosis of the aortic mouth.

The clinical picture of the disease is poor physical development, erythrocytosis, heart murmurs, shortness of breath, cyanosis. The diagnosis of the disease is carried out using electrocardiographic and X-ray examination. Some features of congenital malformations can be identified by catheterization of the patient's heart cavities, based on the results of echocardiography, angiocardiography. It is possible to bring the cardiac activity of a patient with congenital malformations into an appropriate state only with the help of surgical treatment.

Such complex disorders in the work of the heart provoke a general deterioration of the condition. In most cases, doctors detect congenital heart defects immediately after the birth of a child. Statistical studies have allowed scientists to draw conclusions about the hereditary nature of the disease. However, as it was revealed, not all of them must necessarily be passed on to other generations in the family. Problems in the work of the newborn's heart can arise as a result of diseases suffered by a pregnant woman, for example, rubella. Therefore, doctors recommend conducting genetic studies of the health status of both parents, in order to avoid health complications in the unborn baby as much as possible.

Contrary to popular belief, not all congenital heart defects are an immediate danger to the patient's life. Often they do not even affect the quality of life in any way. However, there are also such pathologies that pose an immediate threat to human life, sometimes there are absolutely incompatible with life. Surgeons prescribe optimal timing and methods of surgery in order to restore normal cardiac activity of the patient. Such operations are most often prescribed when there is a threat of complications.

The rehabilitation period and lifestyle recommendations in the postoperative period are within the competence of cardiologists and cardiac surgeons. It is important for the patient to take into account the observance of a rational motor and nutrition regime, as well as drug therapy. aimbot downloads