There is a very apt aphorism: “Not everyone cuts what grows.” It fully applies to surgeons. Even the doctors themselves admit that decisions about surgical intervention are not always made reasonably. But any operation is associated with a certain risk of complications...

Therefore, if you are offered such a radical measure, do not rush to agree. Remember that you can always consult with another specialist and get a second opinion. Moreover, today there are many gentle methods that give good results and allow you to avoid the scalpel. Here are just a few examples.


More recently, with inflammation of the dental root (periodontitis), the diseased tooth was immediately removed. Moreover, we tried to do this as quickly as possible so that neighboring teeth would not suffer due to the spread of infection. Today there is an alternative to such aggressive treatment.

There was an improved technology of cleaning and filling of dental

Modern methods of treatment of periodontitis help to preserve the diseased tooth channels. Similar procedures have been carried out before, but the doctor has never had a clear certainty that after cleaning there will be no infection in the channels.

Meanwhile, this happened quite often. Having safely waited out the procedure, the “hidden” bacteria began to multiply actively. This led to a relapse (re-inflammation), and the diseased tooth had to be removed...

Today, a specialist can visually monitor the cleaning of channels (their size is a fraction of a millimeter!) with a microscope. And ultrasound or laser is used for antibacterial treatment. Then the channels are sealed with a special material. This technology is guaranteed to destroy the infection, which means it prevents relapses.

Herniated disc

A herniated intervertebral disc can cause excruciating pain in a person. Especially with strong compression of the spinal nerve roots. However, doctors noticed that most patients who, for various reasons, did not resort to surgery, subsequently experienced spontaneous self-healing. This amazing fact was explained when very accurate diagnostic methods appeared in the arsenal of doctors - CT and MRI (computer and magnetic resonance imaging). With their help, doctors saw that compression of the roots is not always caused by contact with the intervertebral disc. It may be caused by swelling of the surrounding tissues, and this is not a reason for surgery.

A syringe instead of a scalpel. With the help of CT and MRI, doctors find exactly where the swelling has arisen, and with the help of a thin needle, anti-inflammatory and decongestants are injected there. Often, even one such injection is enough to relieve pain, and therefore to refuse surgery.


Glaucoma is a chronic eye disease in which intraocular pressure increases, the optic nerve is affected, and vision deteriorates. Glaucoma develops almost imperceptibly. Meanwhile, left untreated, it can eventually lead to complete blindness. Previously, with such a diagnosis, an urgent surgical operation was immediately performed. It was the only way to stop the progression of the disease. Currently, there is no need for such intervention.

Today, special drops have been developed that effectively lower intraocular pressure and avoid surgery. Even in rare cases when glaucoma is poorly controlled and continues to progress, such treatment at least gives time to mentally prepare for surgery.


For many decades, abdominal surgery (appendectomy) has been urgently performed with inflammation of the appendix. There was no alternative to this. Then the scalpel was replaced by endoscopic equipment that allows for low-traumatic operations, after which there are no scars and the recovery postoperative period is significantly reduced. Today, medicine has stepped even further.

Modern scientists have developed powerful antibiotics, which, if prescribed in a timely manner, often make it possible to do without surgery at all. These drugs inhibit the growth of microbes that cause inflammation of the appendix. They are replaced by microbes that are safe for the body. The main thing is that such treatment should be carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor.

Uterine fibroids

Until now, fibroids often resort to removal of the uterus. However, according to experts, in 80% of cases this measure can be avoided. The fact is that fibroids belong to hormone-dependent tumors, so properly selected hormone therapy can slow down the growth of the tumor, reduce its size and prevent complications.

What is an EMA? If there is no effect from hormone therapy, then you can resort to a more gentle method than traditional surgery - uterine artery embolization (EMA). With its help, the vessels feeding the myomatous nodes are blocked, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the size of fibroids.