The XXI century is a time of gender equality and women's rights. But still, it is difficult to eradicate from the public consciousness the stereotype of the insignificance of the female role in something global, comprehensive. We know that most of the world's famous geniuses are men. But each of them had their own real muse.He gave her a whole district, the daughter of a wealthy Florentine Folco di Portinari. He is not yet a famous ordinary guy who dared to fall in love with her at first sight. Her name was known throughout Florence - Beatrice Portinari. His name became known all over the world - Dante Alighieri.Biatrice. Marie Spartali Stillman. 1895.For the first time Dante saw the love of his life at the age of 9 on the threshold of the temple, which today bears their names. A few seconds were enough for a real eternal feeling to arise in the man's soul. Although Dante never said a single word to his beloved, she remained forever his love, his muse.He dedicated poems to her, praised her beauty in his sonnets. He saw Beatrice several more times and after each such meeting for a long time could not recover from the influx of inspiration and wrote, portrayed, poetized his love. Later Dante found out that her real name was Biche, she got married and was happy, and for the great master the girl was always his gentle Beatrice."Dante meets Beatrice on the Santa Trinita Bridge" in the representation of Henry Holiday (XIX century). The artist symbolically depicted Beatrice's companions in the images of debauchery and chastity.Unexpectedly, Beatrice Portinari passed away before she had lived 25 years. After that, Dante vowed to dedicate all his future works to his beloved. And he fulfilled his promise. The storehouse of world literature has been replenished with priceless works, one of the greatest is undoubtedly the "Divine Comedy".The first anniversary of Beatrice's passing away. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1853. "On the day when a year has passed since my mistress became a citizen of eternal life, I sat remembering her and drew an angel on the tablets..."Dante depicted his beloved in the highest circle of Paradise, and, according to the plot, it was she who helped him learn the real meaning of life. Alighieri Dante was married, but all his life he loved only one woman, to whom he gave a whole Paradise.The muse of the great conqueror is someone who writes sonnets to his loved ones, someone dedicates songs, and someone conquers entire empires. Josephine de Beauharnais, the daughter of a planter, a widow and mother of two children, captured the heart of Napoleon Bonaparte no worse than he captured half of Europe.Andrea Appiani "Empress Josephine"They met at a social event and after the first date became inseparable. Soon Bonaparte offered his beloved his hand and heart, presenting a sapphire ring with the engraving "This is fate". After each successful campaign, the battle won, the emperor did not feel triumphant. He was burning with love and wrote letters to Josephine: "If you don't love me anymore, then I have nothing to do on earth."Josephine did not turn out to be a faithful wife. While her husband conquered the world for her, she conquered the hearts of other men. And even though Napoleon knew about her infidelities, he found the strength to forgive the woman. It was not love, but addiction, mania. But, despite the passionate feelings, the emperor still had to part with Josephine, because she could not give birth to an heir, which was necessary for the throne.Francois Pascal Simon Gerard "Portrait of Josephine"Bonaparte married a second time, but the correspondence with Josephine continued until her death. He allowed the woman to keep the title of Empress, gave her whole castles and the Elysee Palace. Even before leaving the world, Napoleon Bonaparte in a fever pronounced the name of Josephine - the woman who was able to conquer the emperor.The world-famous girl Alice from a very childish fairy tale was actually the prototype of Lewis Carroll's love (real name Charles Latuidge Dodgson). Her name was Alice Liddell, she was a sweet girl whom the writer loved to photograph (he was a friend of Alice's family).During one of the boat trips, Alice asked Carroll to write a story about her. So there was a fairy tale about a girl who got into a strange world, chasing a white rabbit. Lewis Carroll gave a friend a manuscript of Alice's Adventures Underground. Later he decided to rewrite the book a little, and it appeared in print in the form already known to us.In one of the poems in the book "Alice through the Looking Glass", the writer recalls that boat trip with a girl and her sisters. Poetry is written in the form of an acrostic, where the first letters of each line form the name of his muse - Alice Pleasence Liddell.Dressed in his feelings, for some, only beloved women become muses, and someone is inspired by impassive beauty. So, in the life of the famous fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent there were many beautiful models, but he dedicated his most outstanding creations to Catherine Deneuve. For her, he created the perfect image of a bourgeois in the film "Daytime Beauty", dressing the actress in restrained dresses of an even cut with white collars.Catherine Deneuve was not just a model. Yves Saint Laurent gave her his best works, and together they raised a whole revolution of the French style, making their own, modern at that time, adjustments to it. When the designer announced his retirement, Catherine Deneuve sang a song for him on stage. They went out to bow together.The music of their love can describe the relationship of Paul and Linda McCartney. And although there were many women in Paul's life, it was his first wife who was his luminary on the creative path. Paul fell in love with Linda, as they say, at first sight. Most of all, he was pleased that the woman did not need his money (the lawyer's daughter had plenty of it).He dedicated his songs to her, was inspired by her love. Linda and Paul played together in the band "Wings". Linda also wrote her own songs. It was she who supported Paul when the world-famous "Beatles" broke up. And it was thanks to this support that Paul found the inspiration to write music again. After the death of his wife, the musician released a whole CD with her songs - "Wild prairies" ("Wild prairies").Love in the colors of watercolors is one of the most famous female muses, which you just can't help but remember, the Gala was given. She was not only a source of inspiration for her husband, but also a whole orbit along which the planet of his life and creativity moved.Gala and Salvador were a very extraordinary couple, at times they were even called crazy. Once, in order to impress his beloved, Salvador came on a date in a cut shirt, painted his armpits blue, used the smell of fish glue, goat's milk and lavender instead of cologne, and put a geranium flower behind his ear. But they were happy together, really happy. The artist drew portraits of his beloved endlessly, signing them Gala-Salvador Dali.She was also the head of his creative process. When Dali was capricious and did not want to fulfill the order, his wife locked him in the studio and did not let him out until he completed the painting. Gala was looking for sponsors for her husband, took over part of his affairs. We can confidently say that Salvador Dali received the lion's share of fame with the assistance of his wife. "I love Gala more than my mother, father, Picasso and even more money," Dali wrote such a phrase on one of his paintings, which he dedicated to his beloved.Yes, perhaps it was men who made most of the great discoveries, it was men who created almost all the famous masterpieces of art, it is men who are considered geniuses of all time, but, you must agree, it was women who inspired them to all these achievements.